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Headlines: In Paris, feeling a bit like "Paul West"... (September 27th, 2007, 11:46am) *
Good things happen to good girls... or maybe not... - French Connection (formerly known as London Connection)

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Thursday, March 01, 2007 

Good things happen to good girls... or maybe not...

… wow, just heard something “cool” on the radio this morning. Funny things that happen in the Royaume Uni:

So there’s this young lady who calls a radio station because she saw a guy she liked, in a bar or wherever, or just maybe spotted him on a bus (I sort of missed that part…), but didn’t have the guts to talk to him straight away… Anyways, so this radio channel manages to get the guy on the phone, and don’t ask me how(?!?), and the moderator asks LIVE, on NATIONAL RADIO the following question:

“Chris, so do you want the £100 or a date with HER…?” (…her, who happens to be live on the phone, actually)

Well, guess what, the guy, very “gentlemanish” of him, answers:

“I’ll take the £100, going out with my mates this weekend so the money is cool!”

Gutted… Now, if you are the girl, after being sort of humiliated/dismissed for a “night out with my mates” (huuuhhh) on national radio, how do you feel about that?

Let’s suppose a) he doesn’t know who she is and b) he knows:

a) – best case scenario: what a wanker. Forget about him!!
- worst case scenario: depressed and eating ice cream for 4 straight days…
b) - best case scenario: see ice cream part… plus self-esteem on historic lows…
- worst case scenario: … well, you tell me…
Oh well, it was entertaining... :)

On a few other random notes:

- Celtics win 2 in a row!!! Wa wa weeeeeeee!!!
- Smoked shisha in a very cool Moroccan place bear Covent Garden the other day with James (a yankee), Lynn and Adeline (the funny Belgian). And the fres mint ice tea was the dogs bollocks, honestly!!
- Off to Paris again this weekend… no comments!
- Managing a music tool for a third party at work (I manage 20 countries for them from Romania to Denmark or Sweden…) I thought the Fins have quality music, there always seems to be one or two groups coming out of there every now and then… It’s like those unis that always seem to produce 1 or 2 very useful NBA players every season, not spectacular but solid. They have a quite rocky, gothic tendency and some nice freestylers. Also more original, normally, than the cheesy Swedes or the German speaking European nucleous formed mainly by Germany but also Switzerland and Austria…

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About me

  • Bonjour, I'm Marco, welcome to my little place on the Internet.
  • I started this blog when I arrived in London in early 2006, hence the name “london-connection”. In the meantime I have moved to Paris, after a short stint in Geneva. I like to write about silly stuff, about sports, travelling and going out… just about everything that crosses my mind, actually. The little things that spice life up a bit.
  • I hope you enjoy the trip...
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