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Headlines: In Paris, feeling a bit like "Paul West"... (September 27th, 2007, 11:46am) *
French Connection (formerly known as London Connection): September 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 

Helsinki, well worth a trip... and rating Scandinavia!!

… yep, I finally made it to Helsinki and it was definitely worth the trip. Just for the spontaneity of the decision to fly there and everything, it was great!!!

The city, well, not too spectacular, let's give it a 6/10, just for it being at the sea (always nice) and because the weather was awesome!! Other than that, not that much to see, really… I’ve visited all four Scandinavian capital cities now, and miraculously all of them with perfect blue sky and sun, and if I had to rate them (yep, yankee style, they rate and rank about everything…) here’s how they’d do:

Oslo (April 2005):

With whom?: my Swiss “primo”
The City: Interestingly lots of brick stone architecture. The city is not extremely beautiful by itself, a bit cold but with some neat corners… The fortress, the embassy quartier, Vigeland Park and above all Aker Brygge (the harbour). We also went to see the Holmenkollen (quite impressive and with nice views over Oslofjorden) and down south to Verdens Ende. The landscapes and the fjords in Norway are really something worth seeing and what I saw were just the “average” ones, cause the nicest are on the West Coast of the country, so… 7/10 (ranking just the city)
The Ladies & the Partying: First experience in a Nordic country and I have to say I wasn’t that impressed. But still, when I went there was some quality out there, although the dressing stile in the place was a bit unstylish… Plus I went out on my own and it got a bit boring at one point. 6.5/10
The Food: Nice seafood, salmon and fish but rather expensive. 8/10
Would I go back again soon?: Maybe not soon but for sure at some point, just for the sake of having another latte at Akker Brygge. I’d do Stavanger and Bergen first, definitely, and also the Prekestolen…
Random anecdote: Hmmmmmm… gotta think of something good here…

Upshot: Great experience whatsoever. It was fun, it was the first time in Scandinavia which made it a special trip as I’d always longed for going up there… and I even could find a really cool Troll to add to my collection. :) 8.5/10

Stockholm (May 2005):

With whom?: the whole Icex Troupe
The City: Beautiful. Loved it!! Quite imperial as well. The channels, the bay, the old town, the different ambiences. Sweet! No trips here, except for a boat trip where I fell asleep (shame on me) but the Vasamuseet with its 17th-century ship in full size was spectacular!!! 9/10
The Ladies & the Partying: Couldn’t agree with people to go out to a serious place. What a shame. And 2 weeks ago my flatmate (she’s Swedish actually) told me in Sweden it’s the women who bump into man, ha!! Let’s move on before I start head butting the next closest door or something… Still the ladies were ok but not that impressive either. N/A (7/10 for the ladies)
The Food: Didn’t really try that much stuff as we were on what seemed to be more of an “Erasmus-safe-the-money-and-run trip”. A shame. N/A
Would I go back again soon?: I was considering flying over next month but will postpone a bit, so YES! Thumbs up all the way for Stockholm!!
Random anecdote: Having a latte in a terrace in the city centre I started making funny grimaces to a super sweet baby sitting next to us and who couldn’t get her eyes of me for some reason… The baby’s dad tried to gain back his daughter’s attention which didn’t work at all and the young mum said something along these lines “I think she’s fallen in love with you”, which made me happy for the day, especially considering the father’s “I’m gonna kill the Spaniard” face when he heard his wife. Still giggling when I think of it…

Upshot: One of the cities that makes my short list of “Cities I truly believe should be visited once a year” together with Barcelona and Paris. For me it had some magic but I couldn’t explain exactly why. Just thought it was cool :) Still, could have gotten some more action out of the trip 8/10

Copenhague (October 2005):

With whom?: my Swiss primo yet again. He’s always up for traveling which is good!
The City: Architectonically a very nice city. The city centre was a bit overcrowded, much like some German towns, but it had some flair… Nice squares, churches, the seaside with the fortress and some nice channels, too. Kristiania hippie place was interesting and the Rosenborg Have Park was really nice as well plus they have this famous little Mermaid, hehe… Even the Airport was awesome, hey, it’s about the small details sometimes :) 8/10
The Ladies & the Partying
: Reaaaaally cute!! Lotsa sweet faces all over the place. I mentioned this in Helsinki to some Suomi chicks, that the Danish are the hottest of the 4 countries, and the comment didn’t go down that well, as expected by the way. The place we went out to was so-so but somehow I still didn’t manage to get home until 4am. A classic. We had some nice drinks though in a bar before going to the Club and one waitress was, pheeeeeeeew, an angel!!! 8.5/10
The Food
: Spectacular dinner in an awesome Fish restaurant for my cousin’s 35th birthday. Nice brunch on Sunday. It was good quality food, definitely. 9/10
Would I go back again soon?
: With the right person for a chilling weekend, why not…
Random anecdote: I volunteered to forfeit my ticket for 100€ (that's cheap!!!), as the plane was overbooked, would have flown back through Düsseldorf. Man was happy to get the last seat after all…

Upshot: Nice city where you could sense things going on. I thought for a while it might be a nice place to live but looking back I’m not that sold on it anymore, mainly cause it’s probably the most European of the 4 cities, so not that much change after all from Continental Europe. I liked that they had many darkish small cafés and restaurants in the centre, with a certain touch of authenticity. 7.5/10

Helsinki (September 2006):

With whom?: my 60 year old Swiss uncle who was visiting me in London at the time. Randomly decided to go there on Thursday night whilst having a few pints.
The City: Hm, apart from the Protestant Church, where we actually attended mass, just randomly, the orthodox Church (the biggest one in occidental Europe and few other spots, the city offers a rather eclectic architectural style… Sometimes you could think you’re in Russia, some corners were very reminiscent of Stockholm, everything quite eclectic. We also made a boat trip around the harbour area (freeeeezing wind) which was sort of nice but it’s definitely not a majestic city as for sightseeing 6/10
The Ladies & the Partying
: Absolutely awesome. Just randomly met 5 Finnish chicks in a cool venue and one of them, even took me to another venue (LUX) which had some really nice view over Helsinki. It was just a great fun night out partying and it’s even better when you get the chance to party with locals!!! Hardly to top… 10/10
The Food
: Ate Reindeer and Moose for the first time in my life and the reindeer filet was awesome I must say!! Apart from that lots of buttery, creamy stuff, which I don’t especially like… 7/10
Would I go back again soon?: I would… but I won’t, unfortunately…
Random anecdote: In some clubs, apparently the funny Suomis seem to have shared bathrooms for both women and men, which basically translates to cueing much longer than expected as the average time for a female is like 27 minutes while a guy needs what, 30 seconds? Just thought there's some thing you need to know in this life... By the way, many Finnish clubs are for +24 age, which seemed a bit odd!
Upshot: I always wanted to go there and just for that it was worth a million times traveling there!! The weather was amazing, the trip was super spontaneous and everything went quit smooth. I wasn’t sold on going at first but looking back to it, hell yes, that’s the things I should be doing more often!!! Just randomly go somewhere, not think so much about everything.That was actually my resolution for the new year (I just turned 27, ufffff) after a looooooong conversation with my flatmate: Seizing the moment!! So yes, awesome trip and great memories and as it’s not always about what you saw or did when you traveled to a new city, but what you feel and will think when you look back, I’ll give it an uncontested 10/10


Friday, September 22, 2006 

Helsingfors, here we come... finally!

... yep, I'll finally be covering the second last destination on a “places I want to go to soon” list I made at some point back in the early 2000’s which included: Stockholm, Copenhague, Rome, Florence, Helsinki and (yet to visit) Reykjavik… Just randomly decided last night to travel there from Saturday morning till late Sunday afternoon with my uncle, who’s actually on a 1-week vacation in London, if that makes sense at all… :) In the words of my mum "Spinned er?!?" which translates to "are you nuts or what?!?". Oh well...
I’ve always wanted to go to Finland since I was 12 and my lifetime mate (since we were about 2 or 3...) Simon and me were in this Summer Camp in Degen (CH) and we got to know these two Suomi chicks called Natasha (him) and Satu (me). First summer love and stuff like that, you know… Probably one of the Top-3 summers of my life still!!! It was awesome now that I think of it. I kept in touch with that young lady until about 1995 and then heard back from her again in 1998. Since then, zilch. It is sort of stupid but now that I think of it, it would have been cool to meet up again, although, after so many years, the first impression could be quite shocking. From “sweet blonde innocent girl” to who the f*ck knows… But it’d still be cool :)

Other than that. Too many loooooong nights in the past couple of weeks, I feel pretty much knackered. Lots of visits, crazy nights, like last Saturday with my mate Jaime in Pangea (phewww), lots of chatting (+ wine) with my flatmate… And in 10 days my mate Israel and his girlfriend are coming, so you figure it out… Next Friday is also already pretty much booked out for a night out in Movida (posh of the poshs). Everything’s a bit wearing out, although fun, I must admit.
Then also, next week I should know something more about my job, hopefully but we’ll see… I’ll keep you posted.

Back to work then


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 

Toine & The Truth... the good ol' days

This is a video about my two favourite NBA players ever: Antoine Walker and Paul Pierce. They're no MJs, Birds, Kobes or Lebrons... They just were an awesome couple that carried a talent wise very limited Celtics team within 2 games of the 2002 NBA Finals. I'm getting goosebumps here... and I miss Walker in Celtics Green. :(

Thinking of it, if I don't get to see Pierce "live" in a Celtics uniform before he gets traded, retires or whatever... I'll jump off Tower Bridge!!
I've tried to blog it directly from youtube but it won't let me, either it's the wine from last night that is making me struggle or something's wrong with the site. Whatever...


Thursday, September 14, 2006 

Tube Thoughts and Opportunity Cost Theories - Catching up on the idea

Here´s a theory that catches up on my previous one. Nice to see there´s people sharing "crazy" thoughts :)

Bueno, pues paso a desglosar mi teoría sobre las relaciones personales en un sentido muuuy amplio, no reducidas a relaciones amorosas, sino amigos, padres, compis de trabajo etc. Se trata por supuesto de una teoría abierta a cambios y contribuciones. Siempre se tiende a pensar que son algo muy arbitrario, muy de los sentimientos, muy difícil de predecir, pero yo creo que de forma adecuada se puede cuantificar tu relación con una persona concreta, y luego en función de esos números predecir si te vas a llevar bien o no con ella. Que los sentimientos que te inspira en una persona son cuantificables es algo que nuestro amigo Markeras ya ha demostrado de forma magistral en el post (ver link).

Ahora bien, imaginemos que definimos un numero N de conceptos que pueden definir una relación: concepto1, concepto2,...,conceptoN. La definición de esos conceptos (atracción física, empatía, conveniencia de la relación...) para cada tipo de relación (pareja, amistad, trabajo, familia...) queda fuera del ámbito de esta parrafada. Ahora de acuerdo a algún método estándar parecido al que desgrana el gran Marcus en el post se puntúa la relación en base a todos esos conceptos: concepto1=p1, concepto2=p2,..., conceptoN=pN. Un detalle importante es que con este método cada puntuación va entre -A y +A, es decir existen puntuaciones negativas y el 0 significa ni frío ni calor. Una vez hecho esto es posible trasladar la relación que estamos puntuando al maravilloso universo del Álgebra. ¡Esperad no dejéis de leer porque esa palabreja os traiga malos recuerdos! Pensad que por una vez os va a servir para algo. Bueno o no.

A ver, el caso es que ya que tenemos puntuada la relación en base a esos N conceptos es posible crear un vector V de puntuacion para esa relación donde V=(p1, p2,...,pN). Enhorabuena, en este punto ya has conseguido reducir la relación que estás estudiando a un punto en un espacio N-dimensional. Para hacer esto pelín más claro vamos a hacer como los buenos profes y a ver un ejemplo.


· Relación de pareja

  • Conceptos a puntuar (recuerdo que su definición queda fuera del ámbito de esta parrafada):

Concepto1: Atracción física

Concepto2: Empatía

  • Puntuaciones:
  • P1: 7 sobre –10...+10
  • P2: -1 sobre –10...+10
  • Vector puntuación: V=(7,-1)

  • Representación Gráfica

Interpretación: Relación animal. Hay una atracción brutal, pero en cuanto os ponéis a hablar dos minutos os tirais los trastos a la cabeza. Esto no es más que un ejemplo en el que quedan abiertos qué conceptos hay que tener en cuenta para cada tipo de relación, y cómo puntuarlos.

Ahora viene el siguiente paso. Imagínate que hacemos eso con todas las relaciones de pareja que una persona ha tenido y además, pintamos cada una de esas flechas con arreglo a una escala de grises, que va a indicar cuánto ha calado en el individuo esa relación. Por ejemplo, para la relación de antes, fue una relación muy animal y todo eso pero duro un mes al final del cual ya estaba aburrido como una ostra de la susodicha en cuestión. Eso se pone de color oscuro. Pero imaginaros que esa relación animal que duró un mes, todavía te provoca escalofríos de placer cuando la recuerdas, sientes nostalgia de que acabara y guardas buen recuerdo. Pues entonces la pones de color claro. Cuando termines, tendrás un conjunto de vectores coloreados en un espacio N-dimensional, volviendo a nuestro ejemplo de antes que es 2-dimensional, tendríamos algo así:

Y con ese simple dibujito podemos averiguar un montón sobre nuestras relaciones de pareja, sobre lo que buscamos, sobre lo que queremos, y sobre el coste de oportunidad (y aquí enlazamos con la teoría del gran Marcus) que supondría perder una relación que tenemos. ¿Qué no os lo creéis? Vamos a ver, la persona que ha hecho el dibujito de ahí arriba ha tenido cuatro relaciones. La más clarucha (la que más le da igual) corresponde con puntuación alta de empatía y baja de atracción física, sin embargo las flechas son más oscuras cuanto más alta es la puntuación en atracción física. No te jode estarás pensando, y para ese viaje tanta alforja! Un segundo, porque para este tipo es tan importante la atracción física que las relaciones le marcan incluso aunque tengan puntuación “empatía” negativa (véase la flecha del cuadrante superior izquierdo). Vamos nuestro hombre es un Sawyer de la vida (quien vea Lost sabrá de qué estoy hablando), es un hombre todo hormona. Por ello si algún día nuestro Sawyer va y se encuentra con una Kate de la vida con la que tiene mucha atracción física y además algo de empatía, el coste de oportunidad de perder eso es altísimo porque está justo en la región de la perfección, esa zona del espacio N-dimensional donde se encuentra tu relación ideal. En cambio, si nuestro Sawyer está con una digamos Shanon de la vida que sí, que le pone y tal, pero con la que no se pone de acuerdo ni sobre el color de las estrellas, el coste de oportunidad de ir y liarse con otra es más bien bajo, porque su relación con Shanon está bien lejos de su “región de la perfección”. Porque de eso va toda esta parrafada, de que cada uno de nosotros busque su “región de perfección” para las relaciones de pareja, y dejemos de culparnos cuando una relación no ha ido bien. Si no ha ido bien, seguro que es que esa pareja estaba muy lejos de lo que tú estabas buscando.
Todo esto de aquí no es más que un primer esbozo, para ser algo completo habría que: - Enumerar los distintos tipos de relaciones - Para cada una de ellas, enumerar los conceptos que la definen - Para cada concepto, definir un método de puntuación
Complicado pero...


("Isra" has become a good friend of mine, since we first were sat next to each other in our pre-ICEX Master back in 2004... He´s a proven and worthy "soldier" in those 1 on 1 night adventures through Madrid nightlife, whenever I go back to "Holy Spain". It´s a pleasure to have him sharing his thoughts in my blog as the first columnist to do so.)


Monday, September 11, 2006 

Los Nikis - El imperio contraataca

Utterly hilarious!! Love it!!!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 

10. September - Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral... F*cking aweeeeeesome!!!!


Saturday, September 09, 2006 

9. Septmeber - The new flatmate

That´s Lynn, my new flatmate. A real cool young lady.
Now that's a fun flatmate for a change... Thumbs up all the way!


Friday, September 08, 2006 

8. September - Weird pic

Bananas FLOAT!!! Never ever would have guessed that...


Thursday, September 07, 2006 

7. September - Pic

This one is dedicated to my mum... :)



Most deseperate job application... ever?


... my mate's mate. Anyone who might help out?!? :P



6. September - Pic du jour

Upon my new flatmate´s arrival this Yuca is now a new member of 12A, too...


Tuesday, September 05, 2006 

5. September - Picture of the Day

In the newspaper today!!

I know someone who would bid if he had some spare bucks... :P



Campeones, campeones, oe oe oe

Some pictures of last night's celebration in Madrid:

Would have loved to be there, oh well, at least we won!!!!



Monday, September 04, 2006 

4. September - Picture Nr. 4

Remembering Lady Diana, in Kensington Gardens...

(Kensington Palace at the start of my daily "park-walk")


Sunday, September 03, 2006 


España are Basketball World Champions! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

y es que "... en Las Vegas no hay Black Jack, sólo se juega al Cinquillo y la moda es en ROJO y AMARILLOOOOOO, lolo lololo seremos de nuevo un Imperio lolo lololo..."! Well, at least we kick a$$ and rule the World in Basketball!! :)

... and for 4(!) years no one will be able to take the pi$$ out of us because WEEEEEEEEEEE AAAARE THE CHAAAAAAAAMPIONS my friend... no time for loosers cause WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS... OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. We are even frontpage on ESPN's NBA section these days...



3. September - Picture Nr. 3

London and its cars... Spotted this Lamborghini having a walk around the neighbourhood.


Saturday, September 02, 2006 

2. September - Picture Nr. 2

On a random Cambridge bridge with my rather untrendy rainjacket...


Friday, September 01, 2006 

1. September - First picture

... having some beers Friday night with my mate Cases who came over to London for the weekend. This is the table of a cool pub around the corner. Now, does the thing on the right side of the table resemble a pork or what?!?! :-



SPAIN IN THE FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just had to express my happiness!!! It’s fuck*ng awesome!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Best part is most of these guys are member of the 1999 Junior World Championship squad that defeated the USA in the final: Pau Gasol, Juan Carlos Navarro, Felipe Reyes, Berni Rodríguez y Carlos Cabezas!!! Life is beautiful today!!!
Cheers everyone!!!!!

Gasol: Spanish Miura



Team USA and another predicted disaster

Well, yet again, Team USA has failed in its mission to win Gold and some of its lost prestige back. Greece, under former player legend Yannakis, proofed too strong for the shaky Americans and will go for the title after just winning the European Championship last year. Solid team, committed players… way to go! Props to Greece!

"Baby Shaq" showing why the Clippers

drafted him back in 2003 at the age of 18.


About me

  • Bonjour, I'm Marco, welcome to my little place on the Internet.
  • I started this blog when I arrived in London in early 2006, hence the name “london-connection”. In the meantime I have moved to Paris, after a short stint in Geneva. I like to write about silly stuff, about sports, travelling and going out… just about everything that crosses my mind, actually. The little things that spice life up a bit.
  • I hope you enjoy the trip...
My profile

Coming up soon

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