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Quick August thoughts - French Connection (formerly known as London Connection)

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006 

Quick August thoughts

Here I go with the “traditional” Weekly Roundup, this time, to the beat of “Use your Illusion”:

First of all, congratulations to my long-time pal MAGALI, who just married over the weekend!!! Best wishes in your new life… and lucky him, I gotta add!!! :)

Then, everything’s been a bit of a hassle as of lately, starting with my flatmate leaving and what seemed to be an easy task laying ahead: Finding a new one.
Man, first of all, my ex-flatmate gave me sort of a very short lead-time to find a replacement. Then, when she moved out, she literally left the place “como un solar” that we’d say in Spain, which means she took everything with her, cut the Internet connection with a 3 day notice (sweet) and sometimes I still think I’ve to be thankful that she left me my freakin’ pillow!!! So there I am, needing to find a replacement ASAP not to have to move to the park or another flat share for just 3 months, both options being very, very little appealing. I took it quite easy, and so it went at the beginning – no response.
I put myself a bit more into it and then I received a few replies, including one from a Swedish girl, who seemed to be nice and genuinely interested. Positive impression from her emails and the 2/3 times we talked on msn. It was sort of a gut feeling that she’d be cool. Well, she eventually came over to see the room and everything went smoothly. Plus she hates cheese, too!! HA!!!! Now she’ll will move in come September.
That’d be sorted out then, after a few intense and rather exasperating negotiating sessions with the landlord… At times it looked more difficult than the chance to lure Ronaldinho or Claudia Schiffer in as my flatmate. You figure it!
Now I only need to find an extended job here in London, but that’ll eventually sort our itself, “a la Andy Dufresne”… ;)

Then, my mate Jiménez came over from Oxford, where he’s improving his English skills. Only Saturday and Sunday though but it was nice to have an old buddy around. We even went out on Saturday with two other mates, my Cypriot mate Phivos aka “El Bandolero” and el “Buitre” (the vulture)… Typical evening, a few pints, a cigar, some clubbing and coming back home late, towards 3am, which YES, is late for London, at least if you are not going to the big venues. Sunday was more of a touristy day then…

Then, here’s a link to my mate Valerdi’s thoughts about getting mature… and life in general. Quite an inspirational new age philosopher, much recommended!

European Championships also came to an end with Spain kicking some serious a$$ and winning 11 medals!! HA! Ahead of GB in the medal table, which was fun, too! Other than that, the Athletics, much as Cycling, seems to be under constant doping suspicion which is bad. On the bright side, Athletes like Carolina Klüft still give these Championships the extra kick :P She won the decathlon easily and then wasn’t able to grab another medal in the long jump (6th) or the Swedish 4x100m relay as she competed with a taped ankle. Great competitor with style!

I also watched REQUIEM FOR A DREAM on Saturday. Quite depressing stuff, but maybe it had to do with the timing as well (a grey Saturday afternoon)… It’s basically about 4 characters living in Brooklyn, the mum (Ellen Burstyn), her son (Jared Leto), his girlfriend (Jennifer Connelly) and his best mate (Marlon Wayans) who f*ck it up badly because of their drug addictions. The movie itself is good, very good actually, some very strong scenes, educational value, very good acting (I personally believe Connelly absolutely nails her performance and Burstyn is awesome, too) and on top of it a powerful soundtrack. Still, it’s utterly brutal the way it evolves and it got a few “f*cking oath” out of my mouth whilst laying on the couch watching it, which was odd, cause I’ve not reached the point yet where I talk to myself. Some scenes towards the end where Jared Leto pushes off are just “yikes”, not for everyone, definitely… All in all a GOOD movie, the more I think of it, the better but I wouldn’t wanna watch it again for some time.

Rating: A solid 8.5.

Today feels completely like “November Rain”, the weather, life, everything… but then again, nothin’ lasts forever, even gold November rain…


A cigar? I start to see an addiction there...

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About me

  • Bonjour, I'm Marco, welcome to my little place on the Internet.
  • I started this blog when I arrived in London in early 2006, hence the name “london-connection”. In the meantime I have moved to Paris, after a short stint in Geneva. I like to write about silly stuff, about sports, travelling and going out… just about everything that crosses my mind, actually. The little things that spice life up a bit.
  • I hope you enjoy the trip...
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