Here some pics of a few of the nicer pubs in my area. All in 5 min. walking distance...
1) The Elephant & Castle: A classic for an early Friday/Saturday evening drink or a pint on the terrace on a sunny weekend. Just around the corner from my house. Gets very crowded, especially Fridays after work.
2) The Churchill Arms: Always full.This one is well known i n the area and appears even in some London guides. Cool flowery decoration on the outside, megacrowded after work on the outside when the weather is good and pretty charming inside as well.
3) The Uxbridge Arms: Small pub but really cool inside. You can see it´s full of regulars inside and it has the taste of the typical English Pub: carpets, wooden walls and those old fashioned settees.
4) This one is my absolute favorite...
WINDSOR CASTLE: Not only is it dark and aithentic on the inside, it also has an awesome beergarden and lots of benches outside during the summer. It´s on top of the hill walking from my house towards Notting Hill and the location and the pub itself are hardly to top. Always very crowded as well, it is not rare to end up chatting to some pub- mates sitting next to you; from a bunch of drunkards pretending to have philosophical conversations to some random Scandinavian young ladies, anything´s possible. Thumbs up for the WINDSOR CASTLE. And they even serve
Leffe, which is always a plus...